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Be First 2 Respond Training
We Train The World To Be First 2 Respond
We provide Autism awareness, promote inclusion, and social acceptance, and teach coping and life strategies to parents, educators, care providers organizations, and corporations who welcome individuals on the Autistic spectrum to their workforce.
First 2 Respond is Special Intervention Training Techniques for law enforcement, fire rescue, public safety, emergency medical response teams, hospital ERs, 911 dispatchers, social services, and criminal justice agency personnel.
The rising populations of children with special needs are coming of age. Observation or perception of “odd” behaviors prompt concern, anxiety, or panic in the general public, and thus life-threatening incidents may arise for the lack of public understanding and inability to discriminate between criminal activity and odd behavior. The engagement of first responders in such situations can escalate and increase the likelihood of possible emotional or physical trauma to an individual with special needs and the community at large.
Be First 2 Respond training teaches the skills necessary for first responders to recognize and engage professionally when incidents occur without further escalating the situation or endangering lives.
What you should demand from your local congressman, senator, governor, and law enforcement professionals is that every first responder incorporates the following skills regarding individuals diagnosed with Autism spectrum Disorder.
Research indicates that persons with developmental disabilities are approximately seven times more likely to come in contact with law enforcement professionals than others. Police and first response professionals will meet and engage with special needs individuals of all ages in field situations.
We can not lose any more lives for the lack of awareness, training, or misinterpretation of behavior. Talk to your school, your police chief, your local sheriff, and help me continue to increase Autism Safety Awareness for the sake of our children and ourselves, as parents. We all need to do our share.
For training and customized programs, please submit "contact us" inquiry.
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