About Our Founder
Kerry L. Brooks
In 2003, the doctor told us that our 3-year son has autism. He added that we should focus on having other children because there was nothing we could do for him. Finally, he said prepare your son to live in a group home.
Today, our son is enrolled in college and living his best life as a productive young adult. We allowed our greatest crisis to become our greatest miracle and now we provide life strategies and training for others to do the same to support their children.
Autism 2 Awesome Strategy Academy is designed to assist families with Re-Thinking, Re-Imagining, and Re-Conditioning the misconceptions about autism. This is accomplished through teaching our Special Intervention Training Techniques (SITT) of life strategies.
This is our commitment and our passion.

Our Partners

J. Rodriguez
CEO, Fathers & Families Coalition
Mr. Brooks is not only a committed professional but he has demostrated unique ability to inspire parents, professionals and contributors. From the first time Mr. Brooks and I met I was so impressed with his desire to work with children with special needs, reaching out to parents and professionals as well, basically to whomever would listen. I have been honored to have him as a featured consultant and professional speaker at several regional and national events hosted by Fathers & Families Coalition of America. As we move forward, I have asked Mr. Brooks to be a leader with us to address the needs of parents internationally due to his unique skills and as a visionary leader. Austism2Awesome is awesome because of Mr. Brooks!
M. Sideris
President, Autism Alternative
Kerry Brooks is all about the children, his or ours. I have witnessed how he interacts with them and how they respond to him. He is able to engage on their level and make everything fun for them. The well-being of children is definitely his highest priority and they naturally gravitate towards him. He would volunteer for every event and opportunity to interact with them, from sports couching, to events for special needs children, either giving or doing. If you see a cluster of kids, Mr.Brooks would be in the middle of it. He is excellent mentor with an innate gift to inspire and motivate, natural leader who keeps himself and every life he touches accountable to provide the best environment for children to thrive in. He is driven and determined to change as many lives as he could.
S. Bartholomew
Special Mother
K. Brooks is an extremely talented, dedicated and energetic person. The enthusiasm to bring upon change in the life of others is contagious. His dedication to training the world to be "First 2 Respond" is so admirable, as few care so deeply or invest the time to address the growing concern and the unfortunate consequences streaming forth of lack of information or preparedness of our first responders in cases where they need to interact with individuals with special needs.
I am glad to see that someone truly cares!
D. Brooks
Special Father
Mr. Brooks is calm, cool and collected in situations where most of parents and professionals would panic and loose control. He brings to the table an insight of a loving parent, the discipline and the slow to judgement approach of trained law enforcement professional and the experience of someone who has been there done that and done it right. His programs are invaluable assets to any organization or company providing services to individuals with special needs.