Autism2Awesome offers programs for companies and organisations
providing services for individuals with special needs such as: Education, Attendant care, Home Care, Respite and Habilitation services, Day Care, Afterschool programs, Social Clubs and Community Centers whereIntergration programs are available for special needs individuals.
Home Safety
Personal Safety
Public Safety
Stranger danger, personal space, items, personal information, making friends; socially acceptable behavior etc.
Environmental triggers in the home, emotional tension de-escalation, behavioral triggers, tips for home security, runners, wondereres etc.
Environmental over stimulation in public spaces, tactile stimulae leading to behavioral outbursts; social mores, interaction in public spaces.
Crisis Prevention
Panic & Incidents
Common causes, verbal, non-verbal and visible symptoms of impeding crisis. Methods of crisis prevention.
Common panic triggers and incidents. How to help the individual to prepare and cope in such cases.
Emotional, environmental; physical and psychological triggers. Coping strategies for the family, at school, in public etc.
On this page we tell people what you do.4 things.
They shall not be called services.
You can call them programs or something like that.
Each of these will have their own landing page as I explained with a little bit more information and call for action on each page.
TThis stuff here will be deleted, only the 4 videos will remain
Family strategy, relatives and friends involvement; school and society approach. Congruency and consistancy.
Additionally we,
Introduce your staff to the full spectrum of responsibilities and expectations of their profession
Educate employees how to prevent or contain individual behaviors before they escalate into incidents or accidents and thus increase your employee’s capability to prevent incidents
Create programs designed specifically to address socialization, stranger danger, and personal safety and life skills activities and incorporate them into the programs or services offered by your company
Teach how to create and maintain safe, nurturing, loving and interactive environment within any organization, club, inidivual or group who caters to the needs of special education individuals.
Police Engagement
Identification of the ASD individual upon observation at the site. Engagement strategies, handling and approach.
Imprisonment and Litigation
Advocacy for the family and individual. Factors that could be beneficial in mitigation cases.